Tuesday 6 August 2024

The Nursing Scope Journal: Volume 7 Issue 1

 Volume 7, Issue 1 of our highly peer-reviewed journal, “The Nursing Scope,” is out. The August 5, 2024, publication marks the seventh issue published within three years of the classical journal's revitalization. Clicking on the DOIs below will lead you to the online version of the publication:

Israel, C. E., Mmuo, M.M., Nwosa, A.C., Madu, O.T., Omotola, N.J., & Agu, S.I. (2024). Knowledge, perception, and acceptability of vasectomy among adult males at University of Nigeria, Enugu campus. The Nursing Scope, 7(1), 1-12. ISSN:  2645-2936 (Online); 0795 – 6541 (Print). https://doi.org/10.59073/thenursingscope71/1-12 


Kombo, S.A., Maimunat, A., Sani, S.M., Ahmad, Y., Fatima, M., Abdul, H.M., Abdullahi, S.S., Alhaji, A. (2024). Perceptions of nurses working in primary health centres on factors influencing their readiness to manage family violence in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The Nursing Scope, 7(1), 13-25. ISSN:  2645-2936 (Online); 0795 – 6541 (Print). https://doi.org/10.59073/thenursingscope71/13-25

Irikefe, C. A., Ndie, E, C.  and Eze, U. E. (2024). Attitudes and practice of solid waste management among residents of federal capital territory municipal council, Nigeria. The Nursing Scope, 7(1), 26-35. ISSN:  2645-2936 (Online); 0795 – 6541 (Print). https://doi.org/10.59073/thenursingscope71/26-35  


The Nursing Scope is an open-access journal. To access all published articles, visit the journal’s website, https://thenursingscope.org/ , and click on view articles. To download the articles, you have to subscribe “free of charge” and download as many articles as you want, all “free of charge”. Collection of Articles for the next issue (Volume 7 Issue 2) will commence on October 17, after the UGONSA National Professional Conference & Scientific Update (NAPCON), Ondo 2024.

 UGONSA…Make a Positive Change!!!




Prof.  (Mrs.) Ijeoma O. Ehiemere,

University of Nigeria; The Nursing Scope Main Editorial Office

Email: gnan2ugonsa@gmail.com; ijeoma.ehiemere@unn.edu.ng; ijeomere@yahoo.com.




Prof. Joseph Osuji

Mount Royal University, Canada

Email: josuji@mtroyal.ca; joseph.osuji@unn.edu.ng.


Prof. Mildred Edet John,

Garden City University College, Kumasi, Ghana

Email: miljohn2k@yahoo.com.


Prof. Omolola Oladunni Irinoye

Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

Email: oirinoye@oauife.edu.ng; omololaoni@gmail.com.


Prof. Elkenah Chubike Ndie

National Open University of Nigeria

Email: endie@noun.edu.ng.; chubike05@yahoo.com.


Prof. Saleh Ngaski Garba

Bayero University, Kano – Nigeria

Email: sngarba.nur@buk.edu.ng; salenga2004@gmail.com


Dr. Akon Emmanuel Ndiok

University of Calabar, Nigeria

Email: ndioka@unical.edu.ng. ; akonndiok157@gmail.com.


Dr. Adenike Adebola Olaitan Olaniyi

University College Hospital, Ibadan

Email: adenikeolaniyi4@gmail.com.




Dr. Emmanuel Ejembi Anyebe

University of Ilorin, Nigeria

Email: ejembianyebe@gmail.com; anyebe.ee@unilorin.edu.ng.


Dr. Chijioke O. Nwodoh

University of Nigeria

chijioke.nwodoh@unn.edu.ng; cjontheweb@yahoo.com.


Dr. Nelson C. Okpua

Universiti Sains Malaysia, Timur Laut, Malaysia



Dr Goodluck I. Nshi,

Aspen University, Denver, CO, U.S.A.

Email: mekagoodluck@yahoo.com.



Nurse Baidy Barry Afoi,

Bingham University PMB 0005 Karu, Nasarawa State, Nigeria

barry.afoi@binghamuni.edu.ng, afoibarry@gmail.com, afoibarry@yahoo.com.


Nurse Ogechukwu A. Nwigbo

Firstcare Beneavin House Hospital, Dublin, Ireland



Nurse Opeyemi Idowu Ojo

Federal Medical Centre, Owo, Nigeria

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Wednesday 24 July 2024



TOTAL WITHDRAWAL OF THE COURT CASE INSTITUTED AGAINST NURSING AND MIDWIFERY COUNCIL OF NIGERIA (NMCN) OVER THE REVISED GUIDELINES FOR VERIFICATION OF CERTIFICATE(S) WITH THE NMCN                                                                                                                                     

Nigerian Nurses under the auspices of the Graduate Nurses Association of Nigeria (GNAN), has withdrawn the Court Case filed against the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (N&MCN) over the Revised Guidelines for Verification of Certificate(s) with N&MCN. This is contained in a letter co-signed by it national President and General Secretary, Nr. Ojo, Opeyemi and Nr. Eteng, Philip, addressed to her legal representative in the Federal High Court sitting in Egugu, the Enugu State Capital. The letter read; 

All States and Unit Chapters of UGONSA,
All States Chairmen and Secretaries of UGONSA,

All Nursing Communities in Nigeria and the Diaspora,

The General Public.




The National Administrative Council (NAC) of UGONSA conveys the fraternal greetings of all her members to you, and to the Nursing profession both in Nigeria and in diaspora.

2.      It should be recalled that the NMCN in a Circular Ref. No. N&MCN/SG/RO/MH/14/VOL.1/40, dated 7th February 2024, released revised guidelines and requirements to be met by all applicants seeking Verification of Certificate(s) to foreign Nursing Boards/Council.

3.      Recall, also, that UGONSA in her attempt to draw the attention of the NMCN through the Registrar of the Council, to the damming consequences the contents of the Circular would have on the nursing profession if it is allowed to thrive, appealed to the Council in her letter Ref. No. UG/NAT/24/NMCN/LVGP/01, dated 9th February 2024, titled: URGENT APPEAL FOR RECONSIDERATION OF THE NEW NURSING REGISTRATION VERIFICATION POLICY, stating her commitment to dialogue and collaboration with NMCN, and other stakeholders in Nursing to achieve a favourable guidelines for Nigerian Nurses and Nursing Profession.

4.      Dear Comrades, given the promptness of the circular’s effective date of implementation (1st March 2024), and what seemed to be an act of ignominy and disdain towards UGONSA by the Registrar due to the perceived silence to our letter dated 9th of February, 2024, the association was left with no option than to approach the court for legal redress, praying the court to prevail on the Registrar cum Council to suspend the implementation of the circular pending when the contending issues in the circular are internally addressed. Hence, the court case against NMCN authorized/instituted on the 18th of February 2024.

5.      Note, also, that the association, in her reply to the NANNM National President on his call for the association to withdraw the Court Case to allow NANNM resolve the issues in the guidelines, called the NANNM President to advise the Council to consult widely by engaging all stakeholders for a possible dialogue for out of Court settlement, while reinstating her commitment for making a positive change that gears towards peace, unity, harmony and progress in the Nursing Profession. All these measures affirm the association’s desire, ab initio, for dialogue and in-house settlement.

6.      Dear Nigerian Nurses. UGONSA makes bold to state that all the actions taken on this process were in good intent, and entirely for the interest and benefit of Nigerian Nurses both at home and in the diaspora, and for the future of the Nursing Profession in Nigeria, as the guidelines, as it were, challenged the autonomy of Nursing as a profession, and seen as an infringement on the fundamental human rights of Nigerian Nurses.

7.    Permit us, therefore, to say that, in life, maturity entails knowing when to fight and when to quit fighting to give room for negotiation, peace, and progress, and living to fight another day.

8.      It was on the above premise that UGONSA, with other two concerned Nursing groups that equally sued the Council on the same subject, came together to form a formidable coalition that initiated the dialogue meeting with the Registrar of NMCN, with our dear Mother, Nurse Franca Okafor, the Director of Nursing Services (the Grand Ambassador of Nightingalic Virtue (GANV)) in the Federal Ministry of Health mediating the negotiation process.

9.      Dear Comrades, the NAC,  haven taken into consideration the SWOT analysis of the whole process, came to a reasonable conclusion that, despite the strength and chances of our position in court, the harsh effect of the NMCM’s decision to suspend the verification of certificates of numerous colleagues and nurses all over the world until whenever the cases are concluded in court made us believe that further pursuance of justice in the court may jeopardize the lives and chances of Nurses whom we are fighting for. This belief led the NAC, in her emergency meeting held on the 17th of July, 2024, to agree unanimously and decide to withdraw the Court Case totally, to allow for further dialogue between the Coalition of the Concerned Nurses and the NMCN towards re-opening of Certificate Verification Portal, and formulation of acceptable Guidelines for Certification Verification for Nurses.

10  We, therefore, appreciate all of you who stood by the association while this process lasted, either through phone calls, messages, and financial support. Please know that by taking our destiny into our hands by seeking redress in court, Nigerian Nurses and Nursing Profession are the winners of the struggle, and have made a bold statement to the powers that be for future struggles. Be assured that UGONSA is ever ready to partner with all well-meaning individuals or groups to make a positive change in the Nursing Profession.

11  Thank you. 

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Sunday 7 July 2024



 The University Graduates of Nursing Science Association (UGONSA), also known as the Graduate Nurses Association of Nigeria (GNAN), will hold her 21stNational Professional Conference and Scientific Update from Tuesday, October 8 to Sunday, October 13, 2024, in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. UGONSA cordially invites all Nursing & Midwifery Professionals to submit abstracts in research, projects, dissertations, clinical update, thesis, or theoretical/conceptual framework to be considered for presentation at the conference. Project papers should include best evidence-based practices.


TAG: The conference is tagged "CONSOLIDATION SUMMIT"

The conference shall be used to review the successes and achievements made so far in our dear noble profession of nursing, and how to consolidate on the achievements. The conference will also aim at examining other unexplored paradigms to curb the present challenge of “Brain drain” (japa syndrome) in the healthcare sector.

Submission Deadline

Materials must be received by UGONSA not later than Midnight of Friday, August16, 2024, as an extension may not be granted. Materials should be submitted electronically, in Microsoft words format, through the UGONSA official email address, gnan2ugonsa@gmail.com.

Abstract Review and Selection Process

After the submission deadline, all completed and eligible abstracts will be made available to UGONSA Abstract Reviewers (AR) for blinded review, vetting, and scoring following satisfaction of originality index test. The final decision will be made by the programme committee before August 31, 2024.

Abstracts will be evaluated and scored solely on their scientific merits.

Incomplete Abstracts will not be reviewed.

Likewise, any material that fails the originality index test will be regarded as plagiarized work and will, accordingly, be rejected.

Acceptance/Rejection Notification

Notification regarding acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be sent to the presenting author beforeSeptember2, 2024 by email; consequently, an accurate email address is critical. If you submitted an abstract and did not receive any notification at this specified time, you should send us an email via gnan2ugonsa@gmail.com or visit our news site, www.ugonsa.com, and fill the contact form.

If your abstract is accepted, the email will specify whether it is accepted for presentation at the plenary session or whether it has been selected to be published in our book of abstracts or journal only.

If, after completing your submission, you did not receive a confirmation email from UGONSA within 72 hours, you should contact us as stated above.

Abstract Submission Fee: Not Applicable

Conference Registration Fee and Accommodation

The Conference schedule and registration modalities will be on the conference posters and fliers that will be published by first week of September 2024. The registration fee is #15,000 (fifteen thousand naira) for Graduates and #10,000 (ten thousand hundred naira) for undergraduates. The fee shall cover the conference Bag, Book of Abstracts (soft copy), the Nursing Scope Journal, conference materials, and meals (breakfast and lunch) only. Each conference participant shall be responsible for his/her transportation and accommodation. UGONSA shall bargain and arrange for decent and affordable hotel accommodation in Akure (the Ondo State capital) within the price range of N7,000 (seven thousand naira) to N10,000 (ten thousand naira) per night to make the cost of lodging minimal and considerate for participants.

Conference Programme

The onsite printed programme will include the specific time for each abstract presentation and the moderator's name for each session. Abstracts may list multiple study authors.

Presentation at the Conference

The presentation at the conference must reflect the submitted abstract. In particular, the abstract title, authorship, and scientific content of the presentation at the conference must match the submitted abstract, although updates can be added.


Guidelines for Paper Presentation at the Conference

Papers must not exceed 15 pages in Microsoft Word, including tables and references, and should be typed double-line spaced (Times New Roman font size 12) on A4-sized paper.

APA referencing format, 7th edition, should be used.

UGONSA shall make hard copies available to participants during the conference. Papers should include a cover page with title, author's/authors' name(s), institutional affiliation, and email address.


Each submitter will be notified about the programme committee's decision on the acceptance of an abstract. Each author shall be asked to accept the invitation to present. Presenters must take their commitment to make presentations, except in cases of a true emergency, very seriously. In such a case, UGONSA shall publish an errata sheet to be distributed with the proceedings indicating the names of individuals and their abstract titles that have been listed for presentation but would no longer be presented at the conference.  If a scheduled presenter fails to show up for reasons other than the aforementioned, such shall attract blacklisting, which shall cause UGONSA to refuse to accept subsequent works from the affected author in the future.

Abstract Withdrawal

Once an abstract is accepted, a written request to withdraw should be submitted no later than August 30, 2024, through gnan2ugonsa@gmail.com if the author decides to withdraw the abstract for any reason. Abstracts may not be withdrawn after this deadline.

UGONSA reserves the right to withdraw abstracts that violate the Association's policies and guidelines, such as those that have failed the originality index test for plagiarism, or have been deemed scientifically unsound, or have been found to include inaccurate data, etc.

For further inquiry, kindly contact:

University Graduates of Nursing Science Association (UGONSA), CAC/IT/69387 via email at: gnan2ugonsa@gmail.com. Or call the National President, or the Secretary, on; +23480388358107, +2348155280990; +2348063477661.

e-signed by Nr. Opeyemi Ojo, and, Nr. Eteng, Philip, The National President and Secretary.


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Thursday 23 May 2024

The Nursing Scope Journal: Volume 7 Issue One is Still Ongoing


This is to inform the general public and the nursing community that we are still collecting manuscripts for Volume 7 (1) of our well-peer-reviewed journal, The Nursing Scope. Manuscripts acceptance for the ongoing issue will end by July 28, 2024. To submit an article, email it to gnan2ugonsa@gmail.com. Alternatively, you visit the journal’s website https://thenursingscope.org/ , and click on view articles at the upper right-hand corner of the ensuing page, click on the green “+Submit Manuscript” button. It will prompt you to create your account. After creating your account, you will be able to submit manuscripts directly from your account. If you already have an account, all you have to do is to log in and submit from your account.



Prof.  (Mrs.) Ijeoma O. Ehiemere,

University of Nigeria; The Nursing Scope Main Editorial Office

Email: gnan2ugonsa@gmail.com; ijeoma.ehiemere@unn.edu.ng; ijeomere@yahoo.com.




Prof. Joseph Osuji

Mount Royal University, Canada

Email: josuji@mtroyal.ca; joseph.osuji@unn.edu.ng.


Prof. Mildred Edet John,

Garden City University College, Kumasi, Ghana

Email: miljohn2k@yahoo.com.


Prof. Omolola Oladunni Irinoye

Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

Email: oirinoye@oauife.edu.ng; omololaoni@gmail.com.


Prof. Elkenah Chubike Ndie

National Open University of Nigeria

Email: endie@noun.edu.ng.; chubike05@yahoo.com.


Prof. Saleh Ngaski Garba

Bayero University, Kano – Nigeria

Email: sngarba.nur@buk.edu.ng; salenga2004@gmail.com


Dr. Akon Emmanuel Ndiok

University of Calabar, Nigeria

Email: ndioka@unical.edu.ng. ; akonndiok157@gmail.com.


Dr. Adenike Adebola Olaitan Olaniyi

University College Hospital, Ibadan

Email: adenikeolaniyi4@gmail.com.


Dr. Emmanuel Ejembi Anyebe

University of Ilorin, Nigeria

Email: ejembianyebe@gmail.com; anyebe.ee@unilorin.edu.ng.


Dr. Chijioke O. Nwodoh

University of Nigeria

chijioke.nwodoh@unn.edu.ng; cjontheweb@yahoo.com.


Dr. Nelson C. Okpua

Universiti Sains Malaysia, Timur Laut, Malaysia



Dr Goodluck I. Nshi,

Aspen University, Denver, CO, U.S.A.

Email: mekagoodluck@yahoo.com.


Nurse Baidy Barry Afoi,

Bingham University PMB 0005 Karu, Nasarawa State, Nigeria

barry.afoi@binghamuni.edu.ng, afoibarry@gmail.com, afoibarry@yahoo.com.


Nurse Ogechukwu A. Nwigbo

Firstcare Beneavin House Hospital, Dublin, Ireland



Nurse Opeyemi Idowu Ojo

Federal Medical Centre, Owo, Nigeria


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Sunday 11 February 2024



The Registrar,

Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN),

Plot 713, Cadastral Zone,

P.M.B. 5328,

Wuse, Abuja.




The National Executive Council of the University Graduates of Nursing Science Association (UGONSA) write on behalf of our members and numerous Nigerian nurses both within the country and in the diaspora, who have expressed profound concerns and dismay over the recent policy update regarding the nursing registration verification process introduced by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN). This letter is a collective outcry against what is perceived as an unfair, retrogressive, and anti-progress policy that not only undermines the professional standing and welfare of Nigerian nurses but also significantly hampers their ability to seek and leverage international opportunities.

2. It is disheartening to note that the Nigerian system, through this new policy, seems to work against the welfare of its nurses. The global demand for nurses offers Nigerian nurses an unprecedented opportunity to elevate their careers, improve their living standards, and contribute significantly to the global healthcare system. By imposing policies that unduly restrict their mobility, NMCN is not only curtailing individual professional growth but also inadvertently contributing to the brain drain that deprives our healthcare system of skilled professionals as those who eventually exit the system with frustration will never think of returning to make it a brain gain for the system. Nurses are seeking international opportunities not out of sheer desire for emigration but as a response to being more valued and better-remunerated abroad. It is imperative that our systems support rather than hinder their aspirations.

3. The requirement for nurses to obtain a letter of good standing from their educational institutions introduces an unnecessary and cumbersome bottleneck. Many nurses have graduated over a decade ago from both foreign and local universities, and the logistical nightmare of reconnecting with foreign universities for needless documentation viz-a-viz letter recommendation is both impractical and may be viewed as insensitive by Nigerian nurses as many of their faculty members who knows them must have left the system. This requirement does not account for the realities of time and changes within educational institutions, placing an undue burden on our nurses.

4. Moreover, the policy's stipulation for a two-year delay in registration verification has far-reaching and personal implications for nurses, especially those who want to further their education outside the country and rely on working to support their educational goals abroad. This policy will automatically bar them from practicing nursing abroad and put them in financial difficulty and with potential drop out overseas. The implications of this policy also extend beyond professional boundaries, affecting the very fabric of the family structure in our nursing community. It is also capable of destroying the social fabric of Nigerian nurses, especially those whose families or spouses are abroad. Such delays not only disrupt professional progress but also have profound emotional and psychological impacts, as they impede family reunification and contribute to the disintegration of family units as they will be forced to stay in Nigeria to work for two years. In addition, it also amounts to forced labour, which occurs when individuals are compelled against their will to provide work or service through the use of force. Explicitly, the International Labour Organization’s Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) states that “forced or compulsory labour is all work or service which is exacted from any person under the threat of a penalty and for which the person has not offered himself or herself voluntarily.” This will no doubt be counterproductive to the renewed hope agenda of the current administration in Nigeria.

5. Furthermore, the directive to obtain a letter of good standing from chief executive officers, predominantly medical doctors, is a direct affront to the autonomy of the nursing profession. This requirement not only undermines the professional independence of nurses but also exposes them to potential exploitation and abuse. It is universally acknowledged that the professional body responsible for the registration of nurses has the rightful authority to issue any letter of good standing. This norm is recognized globally and should be upheld by the NMCN to protect the dignity, autonomy, and welfare of Nigerian nurses.

6. In light of the aforementioned concerns, we strongly urge the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria to reconsider and withdraw the current registration verification policy. We request a policy revision that aligns with international best practices, respects the autonomy and dignity of the nursing profession, and facilitates rather than impedes the professional growth and mobility of Nigerian nurses, thereby avoiding unnecessary litigation from concerned nurses.

7. UGONSA encourages NMCN to convey high-powered meetings of elders with a significant representative from young nurses and the student body to allow them to accept and take ownership of any decision that comes from that dialogue.

8. As reality has dawned on policymakers on the value of nurses in Nigeria, UGONSA encourage the NMCN to use this opportunity to push for better deals for Nigerian nurses, especially recognition of our postgraduate certificates in clinical settings while unions push for pronounced appointment of nurse consultants, Nurses’ special salary structure, ward custodian allowance, retained allowance, and other deserved allowances.

9. The nursing community in Nigeria and abroad looks forward to an expedited resolution of this matter, ensuring that the policies enacted serve the best interests of nurses, the healthcare system, and the nation at large. We remain committed to constructive dialogue and collaboration with the NMCN to achieve a favourable outcome for all stakeholders.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. We eagerly await your positive response and the initiation of steps towards the revision of this policy.


Signed by Nr. Opeyemi Ojo and Nr. Eteng, Philip. The National President and National Secretary,


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Saturday 6 January 2024





UGONSA describes Nigerian Nurses' contributions to healthcare as invaluable, and their compassionate care as a beacon of hope in her New Year message to Nigerian Nurses, signed by her National President Nr. Opeyemi Ojo and the National Secretary Nr. Eteng, Philip. The message read thus

As we step into the new year, the National executives of the University Graduates of Nursing Science Association (UGONSA) extend their heartfelt gratitude to all its members and all Nigerian nurses as a whole for their unwavering dedication to the noble field of nursing despite the challenging circumstances we face. Our commitment to patient care remains resolute, even in the face of economic hardship and inadequate government financial support.

2. In these trying times, our tireless efforts have been a beacon of hope for countless individuals relying on the compassionate care only nurses can provide. Let us stand united, drawing strength from our shared mission of togetherness for a new height in Nigerian nursing and prioritize the well-being of those entrusted to our care. The spirit may seem low due to the prevailing economic hardship in the country, discouraging government circulars coupled with unfulfilled government promises. The continuous exploitation of the lacuna in our proper placement circular by some CMDs and MDs to deny our nurses of their rightful placement is also disheartening and extremely depressing. Against all odds, our dedication to patient care remains a shining example of compassion and resilience, and the world is inspired by our untiring commitment to work and our obligation to humanity.

3. The past year has tested our resolve and staunch dedication to providing quality healthcare as our source of inspiration. Together, let us fortify our commitment to excellence in nursing, recognizing that our impact goes beyond the confines of financial constraints. In the new year, let us stand united in advocating for the recognition and support our profession deserves. Despite the obstacles, our tireless efforts make a profound difference in the lives of those we serve. Our compassion is a beacon of hope, and our commitment to patient well-being is the cornerstone of our association. Together, we shall navigate the challenges ahead, advocating for the recognition and support our profession rightfully deserves. Let this new year be a testament to our dedication, turning adversity into opportunities for growth and positive change.

4. May the coming months bring not only personal and professional success but also the acknowledgment and support we need to continue our vital work. Let us forge ahead with determination, knowing that our contributions to healthcare are invaluable and appreciated. May the new year bring opportunities for growth, professional fulfilment, and the acknowledgment of our invaluable contributions to healthcare. Together, we shall navigate challenges and continue to elevate the standards of nursing practice. Wishing you all a year filled with strength, resilience, compassion, achievements, and the fulfillment that comes from making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve

Warm regards

Warm regards.



NR OPEYEMI OJO                                                                          NR ETENG PHILIP 

NATIONAL PRESIDENT                                                              NATIONAL SECRETARY 

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