
Thursday 16 June 2022

Special Announcement

There is a slight adjustment in the dates of our upcoming National Professional Conference and Scientific Update, Abakaliki 2022. The arrival date is now on Tuesday 12th July. The opening ceremony is now on Wednesday 13th July, and the departure date will now be Sunday 13th July. This adjustment was necessitated by the ongoing Mondays' sit-at-home in the Eastern region of the country and the Eid-el- Kabir festival of our Muslim brethren taking place on 11th July 2022, being also a Monday. Consequently, the arrival date has been moved from  Monday 11th July to Tuesday 12th July and the departure date from Saturday 16th July to Sunday 17th July. We apologize for any inconvenience this adjustment may make to the conference attendees and our invited dignitaries.

To register for the conference, please go to and click on “conference registration." You can also make your payment directly into the UGONSA National account listed below. Early bird attracts a special package.

Account number: 3089525712

Bank: First Bank of Nigeria PLC.

Account Name: University Graduates of Nursing Science Association

Note: If you choose to pay directly to the bank account, you have to submit your payment evidence and your name, state, email, and phone number to or for your registration to be manually entered in the conference registration list. See the attached event poster below for more information.



                    Chief (Hon). S.E.O. Egwuenu                                 Nur. P.O. Eteng

UGONSA National President                                UGONSA Ag.National Secretary


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